crack zip password


In 2021, bulk of images were archived into zip password protected files using the “Es file manager” on the phone and backed up via Telegram. A year later, I tried to access but forgot what was a password set on the zip. I was little familiar with linux bash shell and on kali linux used zip2john tool to crack but failed, saying something like file corrupted by time gap attempted sometimes, same problem 😂🤣 . Today, I found a tool called fcrack

fcrackzip -v -u -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

oh..! wait zip file is still say

'encrypted/IMG_20210917_214858.jpg' is corrupted, skipping zipfile no usable files found

Then i copy paste error on it suggest response-link

The error message you received indicates that the file 'IMG_20210917_214858.jpg' within the ZIP file is corrupted and cannot be opened. As a result, the entire ZIP file cannot be extracted.
There are a few possible reasons why the file may be corrupted, such as an incomplete download or a problem with the original file. You could try re-downloading the ZIP file again to see if that resolves the issue.
Alternatively, you could try using a ZIP repair tool to fix the corrupted file within the ZIP file. One such tool is called "Zip Repair Pro". You can download and install this tool on your system, and then use it to repair the corrupted file within the ZIP file.
If neither of these options work, you may need to contact the owner of the ZIP file to obtain a new, uncorrupted version of the file.

Search on google how can i fix corrupt zip file in kali linux found this use this command to fix zip error

zip -FF --out

Again use first command boom its shows password.